Mission Statement
To establish a Bill of Rights that will protect and ensure full and equal enjoyment of all human rights and fundamental freedoms of children and adults living with a disability without discrimination, and raise awareness throughout society to foster respect for the rights and dignity of those individuals. These rights should be reflected in our Community, Accessibility, Employment, Education, Healthcare, Advocacy, and Awareness.
- Individuals with disabilities must have the inherent right to live independently, to be included in the community, to choose where and with whom to live and to have access to in-home, residential and community support services.
- Personal mobility and independence are to be fostered by facilitating affordable personal mobility, training in mobility skills and access to mobility aids, devices, assistive technologies and live assistance.
- Ensure vocational skill training and development to become active and contributing members of their community.
- To enable persons with disabilities to live independently and participate fully in all aspects of life, the government shall take appropriate measures to ensure persons with disabilities have access on an equal basis with others to the physical environment, transportation, information and communications, including technologies and systems that enhance accessibility, as well as other facilities and services open or provided to the public.
- All individuals living with a disability will have the equal right to seek employment and earn a living. Promotion of self-employment, entrepreneurship and starting one’s own business must be ensured. They must have the right of employment in the public and private sector, and we must ensure that they are provided with reasonable accommodations at work.
- All individuals living with a disability will have an appropriate, accessible and inclusive educational experience. Equal access to primary and secondary education, vocational training, adult education and lifelong learning are paramount rights that must be provided.
- Allow for continuing education past the age of maturity for students to ensure IEP goals are met, including during times of emergency school closures. Provide re-evaluation of educational needs when disruption of school year occurs to ensure adequate progress is being made towards students goals.
- All individuals living with a disability must have equal access to health and wellness services without the significant barriers currently faced. Health services must be available within the communities they reside and provide the same range of quality and affordable health care and programs as provided to all individuals. Health services must include early identification and intervention as appropriate.
- All individuals living with a disability, whether physical, developmental or intellectual, will have the right to support and protect their own best interest, or have a family member/caregiver protect their rights on their behalf.
- To provide effective public awareness campaigns designed to promote positive perceptions and greater social awareness, and promote the skills, merits, and abilities as well as their contributions to society.
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